Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth

Beskrivning #

Avoidance Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y). Detta test mäter det psykologiska konstruktet ”psykologisk inflexibilitet”, eller dess motsats ”psykologisk flexibilitet” om man vänder på numreringen. Testet är framtaget för ungdomar 12-18 år. Men har även visat sig fungera bra för vuxna. Både AFQ-Y8 samt den längre versionen, AFQ-Y17 finns validerade för svenska förhållanden. I denna artikel finns testets psykometriska egenskaper beskrivna. En konklusion i denna artikel är att AFQ-Y8 är att föredra. I denna artikel summeras även all forskning internationell forskning som är gjord och vetenskapligt publicerad på AFQ-Y till och med januari 2016. Både forskning på unga och vuxna.


Svenska normer #

Enligt sammanfattningen från en svensk studie: “Norm values, internal consistency, test-retest reliability and convergent validity were calculated and an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. 62 children participated. The mean of the AFQ-Y8 in the sample was 10.30 (5.75). Internal consistency was acceptable (α = 0.76), test-retest reliability was good (ICC = 0.64) and convergent validity was demonstrated (r = 0.42).” Källa: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2018.09.004


Svenska rättigheter #

Översatt till svenska av Thomas Parling & Ata Ghaderi, backtranslation av Terry Hartig, 2005.


Abstract originalartikel #

Consistent with the theory underlying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a construct termed psychological inflexibility has been suggested. There are few validated measures of psychological inflexibility for children and adolescents. One such validated instrument is the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y). The results from a single study have not so far been replicated for youth.

The aim of this study is to test psychometric characteristics for Swedish versions of the AFQ-Y17 and AFQ-Y8. The participants were recruited from an on-going study within institutional care for young people (12–20 years) with psychosocial problems.

In this study of a sample of 159 Swedish adolescents (15–20 years of age) with psychosocial problems, the full 17-item scale was used, and analyses of the 8 items that constitute the short version (AFQ-Y8) were conducted later. The short version showed better psychometric properties than the full 17-item scale. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to examine factor solutions. The better fit for AFQ-Y8 was indicated by three of the most common measures of model fit: the comparative fit index (CFI) value exceeded .95 (the recommended cut-off value), the root mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA) was below .08 (the recommended cut-off value), and the value of the standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) was below the recommended .05 for the AFQ-Y8 scale, which the AFQ-Y17 scale failed to attain.

This study supports the reliability, convergent validity and generalizability of both AFQ-Y17 and the shorter version AFQ-Y8. With regards to validity, both versions related in a theoretically consistent way with other psychological constructs. AFQ-Y8 was well represented by a single factor structure, while AFQ-Y17 showed a less good fit to a single factor structure. Overall, the AFQ-Y17 and AFQ-Y8 may be valuable clinical tools in reflecting changes in psychological inflexibility among adolescents. However, since the shorter version, AFQ-Y8, had psychometric properties that were at least as robust as the full 17-item scale, the shorter version is recommended for use among adolescents.


Referens #

Livheim, F., Tengström, A., Bond, F. W., Andersson, G., Dahl, J., & Rosendahl, I. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth: A psychological measure of psychological inflexibility in youth. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(2), 103-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2016.04.001


Karma (denna person ska vi tacka mest för information kring formuläret) #

Fredrik Livheim


Webblänk #