Presentation eller poster med peer-review (i 99% av fallen)
Här är referensen med personerna listade i bokstavsordning efter efternamn:
Ali, L., Carlbring, P., Lago, A., Schouenborg, J., & Söder, S.-E. (2024, June 26). Frisk, smart och lycklig – hjärnforskning och etik [Panel discussion]. Almedalen, Visby, Sweden. Statens medicinsk-etiska råd.
Carlbring, P. (2024, June 15). From face-to-face to cyber space: The future of mental health treatments [Keynote presentation]. Seoul Cyber University, Seoul, South Korea.
Carlbring, P. (2024, May 17-19). Practical approaches to online therapy: A hands-on guide to digital interventions and virtual reality in mental health [Conference workshop]. The Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Warszawa, Poland.
Carlbring, P. (2024, May 17-19). From face-to-face to cyberspace: The future of mental health treatments [Keynote presentation]. The Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Warszawa, Poland.
Oscarsson, M., Rozental, A., Ginsberg, Y., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Jönsson, F. (2024, May 20-21). Internet interventions for working adults with ADHD: A randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral versus mindfulness stress-management. In: Abstracts from the 13th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions (SweSRII), Stockholm University, Sweden (p. 7). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Mechler, J., Lindqvist, K., Magnusson, K., Ringström, A., Krafman, J. D., Alvinzi, P., Kassius, L., Sowa, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2024, May 20-21). Guided and Unguided Internet-delivered Psychodynamic Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. In: Abstracts from the 13th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions (SweSRII), Stockholm University, Sweden (p. 13). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., Krafman, J. D., Ringström, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2024, May 20-21). Predictors of outcome in internet-delivered psychodynamic treatment for social anxiety. In: Abstracts from the 13th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions (SweSRII), Stockholm University, Sweden (pp. 13-14). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Hlynsson, J. I., Lindner, P., Sjöberg, A., & Carlbring, P. (2024, May 20-21). Let’s talk about digital mental health assessment: Utilizing PHQ-2 and GAD-2 for in-treatment monitoring & BBQ and QWB for outcome evaluation in internet interventions. In: Abstracts from the 13th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions (SweSRII), Stockholm University, Sweden (p. 14). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Sunnhed, R., Hesser, H., Carlbring, P., Harvey, A., & Jansson-Fröjmark, M. (2024, May 20-21). Predictors and Moderators of Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy for insomnia disorder. In: Abstracts from the 13th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions (SweSRII), Stockholm University, Sweden (pp. 17-18). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Carlbring, P. (2024). Framtidens psykologiska behandlingar: AI och VR som superkrafter i terapirummet. Oral presentation at the annual conference of Psykologstudent Sverige (PS24), Östersund, Sweden, 10-11 May.
Carlbring, P. (2024). VR och KBT. [Konferenspresentation]. Beteendeterapeutiska föreningens årskongress, Linköping, 14-15 mars.
Hlynsson, J.I., Gustafsson, O., & Carlbring, P. (2024, March 6–8). Hafa kvíðavaldandi atburðir og óvissuaðstæður áhrif á kvíða- og þunglyndiseinkenni þó slíkir atburðir og aðstæður séu okkur fjarlægar? Mat á áhrifum innrásar Rússlands í Úkraínu á tilfinningamein í klínísku þýði [Conference Presentation]. Sálfræðiþing 2024, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Carlbring, P. (2023, November). From Face-to-Face to Cyberspace: The Future of Mental Health Treatments. Keynote presented at the 17th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2023), Malmö, Sweden. Retrieved from
Carlbring, P. (2023, November 2). Vad kommer AI och virtual reality innebära för den kliniska psykologin i framtiden? [Invited speaker presentation]. Psychology Division Seminar Series, Linköpings Universitet.
Carlbring, P., Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., Vlaescu, G., Philips, B., & Andersson, G. (2023). Comparing Transdiagnostic Treatments: Unified Protocol vs. Affect Phobia Therapy and the Role of Negative Effects. In P. Carlbring (Chair), Development & Effectiveness of Digital Mental Health Interventions. Conference Presentation at the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions 7th Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (pp. 32-33).
Andersson, G., Hildbrand, M., Rozental, A., & Carlbring, P. (2023). How well does internet-based CBT work for depression in Sweden? A patient-level meta-analysis. In Internet-based CBT (Session). Conference Presentation at the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions 7th Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (pp. 51-52).
Carlbring, P. (2023). Digital interventions for SAD [Conference session]. Innovative Technologies For the Improvement of Mental Health: A Joint Research Workshop, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Huppert, J. D. (2023). Round Table: What are the most pressing questions in clinical psychology today? [Conference session]. Innovative Technologies For the Improvement of Mental Health: A Joint Research Workshop, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Carlbring, P. (2023). Brainstorming session: Pushing the boundaries of tech in psychology [Conference session]. Innovative Technologies For the Improvement of Mental Health: A Joint Research Workshop, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Lesnierowska, M., Maciejewski, J., Carlbring, P., & Smoktunowicz, E. (2023). Contextual Self-Efficacy Enhancement for Improving Adherence in Internet Interventions: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. In: Abstracts from the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions 7th Conference, 30 August – 1 September, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (p. 22).
Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., Falkenström, F., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Philips, B. (2023, June 21). Therapeutic alliance is calming and curing – the interplay between alliance and emotion regulation as predictors of outcome in internet-based treatments for adolescent depression [Paper presentation]. SPR 54th International Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 21-24 June.
Rafi, J., Carlbring, P., & Lindfors, P. (2023, May 31). Improving workplace interventions for problem gambling – challenges and lessons learned [Conference presentation in Workshop 7. Treatment barriers, awareness, interventions and self-help groups, chaired by Niri Talberg]. Stiftelsen Nordiska Sällskapet för Upplysning om Spelberoende (SNSUS) Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Carlbring, P., Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., Vlaescu, G., Philips, B., & Andersson, G. (2023, May 22-23). Transdiagnostic Internet interventions: A breakthrough in psychological disorders? In: Abstracts from the 12th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Uppsala University, Sweden (p. 4). Uppsala: Uppsala University.
Romero, D., Berman, A. H., Carlbring, P., Franck, J., & Lindner, P. (2023, May 22-23). Self-Guided Digital Intervention to Increase Post-Detoxification Treatment-Seeking Among Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: Research Protocol With Preliminary Findings. In: Abstracts from the 12th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Uppsala University, Sweden (p. 1). Uppsala: Uppsala University.
Carlbring, P. (2023, April 25). AI och VR i psykoterapins tjänst. Inbjuden föreläsning presenterad vid Föreningen Psykologialumnerna, Uppsala universitet.
Carlbring, P. (2023, April 13-16). Digital Dodo Bird – Are All Internet Interventions the Same? [Conference presentation]. Anxiety and Depression Association of America 2023 Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Carlbring, P., & Awan, B. (2023, March 9-11). Adapting immersive methods in mental health based on VR and AI: Supported by scientific research. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference and Expo of the Middle East Psychological Association (MEPA). Kuwait.
Gumpert, M., Carlbring, P., & Högberg Ragnarsson, E. (2023). Beteendeförändring hos terapeuter. I E. Högberg Ragnarsson (Moderator), Beteendeterapeutiska Föreningens årskongress [Konferenspresentation]. Beteendeterapeutiska Föreningens årskongress, Stockholm, 16-18 mars.
Rozental, A., & Carlbring, P. (2023). CBT 50 eller 52, vi firar ändå! [Konferenspresentation]. Beteendeterapeutiska Föreningens årskongress, Stockholm, 16-18 mars.
Carlbring, P., Awan, B., & Daboul, S. (2022). Transitioning from in-vivo to immersive technologies in CBT. In Marc Thornton (Moderator), Oral Abstracts. Panel discussion conducted at the International Psychology Conference Dubai, Dubai Knowledge Park, October 15-16, 2022.
Carlbring, P., Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., Philips, B., & Andersson, G. (2022). Transdiagnostic self-help treatments for anxiety and/or depression: A full-factorial RCT investigating psychotherapeutic modalities, discussion boards and treatment length. In Caitlin Stamatis (Chair), Oral Abstracts. Symposia conducted at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions 11th Scientific Meeting, University of Pittsburgh, USA, September 18-21, 2022.
Carlbring, P. Lagerberg, H., Boswell, J. F., Constantino, M. J., Vlaescu, G., & Andersson, G. (2022). A randomized controlled trial of an online deliberate practice course for cognitive-behavioral therapists. In Ulrike Maaß (Chair), On the way to an evidence-based psychotherapy education: current findings on training and supervision. Symposia conducted at the 52th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain, 7-11 September.
Carlbring, P., Rozental, A., Mechler, J., Lindqvist, K., Philips, B., & Andersson, G. (2022). Adverse effects in internet-based cognitive-behavior versus psychodynamic therapy. In Johanna Boettcher (Chair), The dark side of the moon – Negative effects in psychological treatments. Symposia conducted at the 52th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain, 7-11 September.
Carlbring, P. (2022). Therapist-guided Internet-based CBT vs. Face-to-face CBT: a further updated systematic review and meta-analysis. In Elin Lindsäter (Chair), Digital mental health interventions in primary care – new findings from meta-analyses and randomized clinical trials. Symposia conducted at the 52th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain, 7-11 September.
Carlbring, P., Vlaescu, G., Mechler, J., Lindqvist, K., Philips, B., & Andersson, G. (2022). Lessons learned from ‘TRAbee’ – a large full-factorial designed study (n=2400) targeting depression and/or anxiety. In Johanna Boettcher (Chair), Pitfalls in intervention development in e-mental health: How can we develop, design, and advance digital interventions? Symposia conducted at the 52th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain, 7-11 September.
Carlbring, P., Cuyler, B., Sullivan, M., Rego, S., & Sadeh-Sharvit, S. (2022, March). The Future of Mental Health Treatment: Prescription Digital Therapeutics, Cyberpsychology, and Care Intelligence Solutions. Round table discussion at the annual conference by Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Denver, USA.
Carlbring, P., Lagerberg, H., Boswell, J. F., Constantino, J. M., Vlaescu,G., & Andersson, G. (2022). The effect of an online Deliberate Practice course for CBT-therapists regarding patient-rated working alliance: A randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 11th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-24 May (p.5). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Publikationen registrerades: 2022-05-25 14:24:44
Vlaescu,G., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2022). Internet treatment studies – Have they become easier to run? Challenges and how to handle them. In: Abstracts from the 11th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-24 May (p.8-9). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Oscarsson, M., Nelson, M., Rozental, A., Ginsberg, Y., Carlbring, P., & Jönsson, F. (2022). Developing an internet-based stress-management program for working adults with ADHD . In: Abstracts from the 11th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-24 May (p.9). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Alexander Rozental, Monica Buhrman, Filip Jovicic, Olle Gelberg, Katarina Molin, Gerhard Andersson, Per Carlbring, David Forsström, Roz Shafran (2022). Treating perfectionism using internet-based cognitive behavior therapy: Comparing two types of treatment. In: Abstracts from the 11th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-24 May (p.11). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Jiayan Pan & Per Carlbring (2022). Development of an online cognitive behavioral therapy program for reducing psychological distress of Chinese university students in Hong Kong. In: Abstracts from the 11th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-24 May (p.16). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
[The reason for the lack of conference listings here is partly attributed to most conferences being cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, it is also possible that I may have overlooked noting the conferences where I had presented…]
Carlbring, P. (2019). Gamification and virtual reality in the treatment of phobias and fear of public speaking. In A Wagener (Chair), XR for healthcare. Symposia conducted at the Stereopsia conference, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 December.
Powers, M. B., Carl, E., Pogue, J., Fresnedo, M., Turner, E. Adams, M., Leonard, K., Levihn-Coon, A., Van Veldhuizen, M., Caven, A., Conroy, H., Lantrip, C., Caven, T., Isbell, C., Regner, J., Garmon, E. Foreman, M., Miller, W., Fares, L. A., Carlbring, P., Otto, M., Weiss, D. N., Hughes, J., Bernhardt, J., Roy, R., Oh, J., MacClements, J., Warren, AM., Rosenfield, B., Rosenfield, D., & Smits, J. A. J. (2019). Non-Opioid Pain Management: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Virtual Reality (VR). Podium presentation accepted for the North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Blomkvist, A., Brulin, G. J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2019, July) Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Relationship Satisfaction and the Influence of Attachment. Presented at International Attachment Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Carlbring, P. (2019). eMental health solutions: Evidence and perspectives: Stateof-the-art. In S. Pedersen (Chair), e-health. Symposia conducted at the Dansk Psykolog Forening, Odense, Denmark, 21 September.
Ma, L., Kruijt, A.-W., Nöjd, S., Zetterlund, E., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2019). Attentional bias modification in virtual reality. Poster presented at the 21th Annual conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Spain, 25-28 September.
Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2019). Factorial Trial Design in Internet Intervention Research. In T. Heidenreich & P. Tata (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, pp. 164-165, Berlin, Germany, 17-20 July.
Wade, T., Kay, E., de Valle, M., Egan, S. Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Shafran, R. (2019). Internet-Based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism: More is Better but no Need to Be Prescriptive. In T. Heidenreich & P. Tata (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, p. 228, Berlin, Germany, 17-20 July.
Rozental, R., Kothari, R., Wade, T., Egan, S. Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Shafran, R. (2019). Reconsidering Perfect: A Qualitative Study of The Experiences of Undergoing Internet-Based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism. In T. Heidenreich & P. Tata (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, pp. 228-229, Berlin, Germany, 17-20 July.
Rozental, A., Kottorp, A., Forsström, D., Månsson, K., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., Furmark, T., & Carlbring, P. (2019). The Negative Effects Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties of an Instrument for Assessing Negative Effects in Psychological Treatments. In T. Heidenreich & P. Tata (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, p. 237, Berlin, Germany, 17-20 July.
Kruijt, A.-W. & Carlbring, P. (2019). Mechanics of Contingency-Based Cognitive Bias Modification: Pre-Existing Bias Affects Potency of Active Training but Not Placebo Conditions. In T. Heidenreich & P. Tata (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, p. 161, Berlin, Germany, 17-20 July.
Rozental, A., Bennett, S., Forsström, D., Ebert, D. D., Shafran, R., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2019). Targeting procrastination using psychological treatments: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In T. Heidenreich & P. Tata (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, p. 310, Berlin, Germany, 17-20 July.
Carlbring, P., Rozental, A., Shafran, R., Wade, T. D., Kothari, R., Egan, S. J., Ekberg, L., Wiss, M., & Andersson, G. (2019). Guided Web-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Perfectionism: Results Form Two Different Randomized Controlled Trials. In G. Belli (Chair), Maladaptive Perfectionism: Taking a Closer Look at its Relationship with Psychopathology, Transdiagnostic Mechanisms, and Treatment. Symposia conducted at the 39th Annual conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), Chicago, USA, 27-31 March.
Carlbring, P., Rozental, A., Shafran, R., Ermstål, I., Örtenholm, A., Landström, A., Parks, A., & Andersson, G. (2019). Implementing a Behavioral Measure to Assess Perfectionism: Exploring the Use of an Essay Writing Test in an Experimental and Treatment Setting. In G. Belli (Chair), Maladaptive Perfectionism: Taking a Closer Look at its Relationship with Psychopathology, Transdiagnostic Mechanisms, and Treatment. Symposia conducted at the 39th Annual conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), Chicago, USA, 27-31 March.
Carlbring, P., Miloff, A., Andersson, G., Reuterskiold, L., & Lindner, P. (2019). What is so frightening about spiders? Self-rated and self-disclosed impact of different characteristics and associations with phobia symptoms. Poster presented at the 39th Annual conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), Chicago, USA, 27-31 March.
Carlbring, P., Magnusson, K., Andersson, G. (2019). The consequences of ignoring therapist effects in trials with longitudinal data: A simulation study. Poster presented at the 39th Annual conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), Chicago, USA, 27-31 March.
Carlbring, P., Rozental, A., Kottorp, A., Forsström, D., Månsson, K., Boettcher, J., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2019). The Negative Effects Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties of an Instrument for Assessing Negative Effects in Psychological Treatments. Poster presented at the 39th Annual conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), Chicago, USA, 27-31 March.
Carlbring, P., Nettelblad, H., Segell, V., Nyström, M., Lindner, P., Hassmén, P., & Andersson, G. (2019). The effects of a 12-week relapse prevention program following acute depression treatment: a randomised controlled trial. In H. Christensen (Chair), Suicide prevention, severe depression. Paper presented at the 10th conference of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Auckland, New Zealand, 13-15 February.
Molander, O., Lindner, P., Bjureberg, J., Ramnerö, J., Carlbring, P., & Berman, A. H. (2019). Internet-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Gambling Disorder and Psychiatric Co-morbidities: A Pilot Study Protocol. In A. H. Berman (Chair), Problem Gambling. Symposia conducted at the 10th conference of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Auckland, New Zealand, 13-15 February.
Carlbring, P., Ivanova, E., & Magnusson, K. (2019). Deposit-limits and online gambling intensity: A randomised controlled trial. In A. H. Berman (Chair), Problem Gambling. Symposia conducted at the 10th conference of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Auckland, New Zealand, 13-15 February.
Carlbring, P. (2019). Design Considerations and their Relation with User Engagement in Two Self-Guided e-Mental Health Interventions. In A. Baumel (Chair), Impact of Product Design on User Engagement with the Therapeutic Process. Symposia conducted at the 10th conference of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Auckland, New Zealand, 13-15 February.
Ivanova, E., Rafi, J., Lindner, P., & Carlbring, P., (2018). Do safer gambling environments disturb non-problem gamblers? European Journal of Public Health, 28 (4). 106. doi:10.1093/eurpub/cky213.305
Westphal, M., Carlbring, P., Frazier, P., Hadjistavropoulos, H., & Muench, F. (2018). Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice in Clinical Applications of Digital Technology. Panel Discussion at the 52nd Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, Washington, USA, 15-18 November.
Carlbring, P., Beard, C., Forgeard, M., Connolly, S., Wilks, C., & Rutter, L. (2018). On the Cusp of a ’New Era’: Integrating Technological Advances into Evidence-Based Assessment and Treatment. Discussion at the 52nd Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, Washington, USA, 15-18 November.
Carlbring, P., Cuijpers, P., Riper, H., Hedman, E., Rozental, A., Shafran, R., & Andersson, G. (2018). Internet-Based vs. Face-to-Face CBT: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in A Revolution in Care: Updating Knowledge and Achieving Implementable Solutions in Digital Mental Health. Symposium conducted at the 52nd Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, Washington, USA, 15-18 November.
Carlbring, P. (2018). Internet-Delivered CBT: State of the Art and Future Directions. Keynote presented at the 18th Annual Conference of Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy, 23-25 November in Okayama, Japan.
Carlbring, P., Enoh, M., Ma, L., Lindner, P., & Andersson, G. (2018). Unified protocol vs. diagnostic specific treatment of social anxiety – a randomized treatment study with a factorial design. In T. Furukawa (Chair), インターネット認知行動療法をRCTで検証する. Symposium conducted at the 18th Annual Conference of Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy, 23-25 November in Okayama, Japan.
Carlbring, P. (2018, September). eMental health solutions to the rescue? Evidence and perspectives – state-of-the-art. In S. S. Pedersen (Chair), Patients with “double trouble” – somatic disease and depression or anxiety: Can e-Health interventions help? Inaugural seminar, University of Southern Denmark.
Carlbring, P. (2018-09-30). Behandling av fobier med virtual reality. Psykologiscenen på Bokmässan 2018, Göteborg.
Carlbring, P. & Burman, M. (2018-09-29). Närmare varandra – starkare parrelation på nio veckor. In A. Bennich (Chair). Psykologiscenen på Bokmässan 2018, Göteborg.
Burman, M. & Carlbring, P. (2018-09-30). Närmare varandra – starkare parrelation på nio veckor. In A. Bennich (Chair). Psykologiscenen på Bokmässan 2018, Göteborg.
Carlbring, P., Ivanova, E., & Magnusson, K. (2018, September). Voluntary deposit-limit as a tool for reducing gambling intensity among customers of an online gambling platform: A randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues, Valletta, Malta.
Carlbring, P. & Rafi, J. (2018, September). Effects of a workplace prevention programme for problem gambling: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues, Valletta, Malta.
Rozental, A., Kottorp, A., Forsström, D., Månsson, K., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., Furmark, T., & Carlbring, P. (2018, September). Measuring adverse and unwanted events in psychotherapy. In P. Carlbring (Chair), Primun non nocere – Side effects in psychological treatments. Symposium conducted at the 48th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Carlbring, P., Enoh, M., Ma, L., Lindner, P., & Andersson, G. (2018, September). Unified protocol vs. diagnostic specific treatment of social anxiety – a randomized treatment study with a factorial design. In A. Baumel (Chair), Nurturing processes of change in iCBTs. Symposium conducted at the 48th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Carlbring, P. (2018, September). Internet-based CBT interventions. Workshop conducted at the 48th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Carlbring, P. (2018). Distinguished lecture: Psychological interventions, App technology, Virtual context. Presented at the annual CHAMP conference (Context Matters – The Role of Social Context in Health Psychology). Örebro, Sweden, 29-30th of August 2018.
Tyrberg, M. J., Carlbring, P, & Lundgren, T. (2018, July). Affecting the psychiatric ward milieu using a combination of individual treatment and staff behavior change. In B. Gaudiano (Chair), Bringing ACT for Psychosis into the “Real World”: Recent Developments in Dissemination and Implementation. Symposium conducted at the ACBS World Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Rozental, A., Kottorp, A., Forsström, D., Månsson, K., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., Furmark, T., & Carlbring, P. (2018, June). Measuring adverse and unwanted events in psychotherapy. Paper presented at the 49th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Rozental, A., Andersson, G., Shafran, R., & Carlbring, P. (2018, June). Long-term effects of Internet-supported cognitive behavior therapy. Paper presented at the 49th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Carlbring, P. (2018). Om att använda appar och virtual reality i och utanför terapirummet. Oral presentation at the 11th conference of Psykologstudent Sverige (PS18), Göteborg, Sweden, 4-6 May.
Vlaescu, G., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2018). Security in services for internet treatment and changes coming with GDPR. Oral presentation at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Ireland, Dublin, 19-20 April.
Lesnierowska, M., Smoktunowicz, E., Puchalska-Kaminska, M., Rzenca, K., Cieslak, R., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2018). Resource-Oriented Internet Intervention for Occupational Stress among Medical Professionals (Med-Stress): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Poster presented at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 April.
Blom, K., Gjestad, R., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Havik, O., & Nordgreen, T. (2018). Effectiveness of two guided Internet treatments in a routine care setting at the eMeistring clinic, Norwegian public health care – panic disorder and major depression. Poster presented at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 April.
Nordgren, T., Gjestad, R., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Havik, O. E. (2018). The Effectiveness of Guided Internet-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder in a Routine Care Setting. Oral presentation at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Ireland, Dublin, 19-20 April.
Lindner, P., Miloff, A., Fagernäs, S., Andersen, J., Sigeman, M., Andersson, G., Furmark, T., & Carlbring, P. (2018) Therapist-led and self-led one-session Virtual Reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety with consumer hardware and software: A randomized controlled trial, oral presentation at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Ireland, Dublin, 19-20 April.
Lindner, P., Miloff, A., Reuterskiöld, L., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2018) Predicting treatment outcomes after Virtual Reality exposure therapy using gaze proxy data collected during exposure: Preliminary findings, poster presented at the 5th conference of the European Society or Research on Internet Interventions, Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 April.
Lindner, P., Miloff, A., Zetterlund, E., Reuterskiöld, L., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2018) Attitudes towards and familiarity with Virtual Reality therapy among practicing cognitive behavior therapists: A first survey study in the era of consumer VR platforms, poster presented at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 April.
Carlbring, P. (2018). Internet-Based CBT Interventions in Practice. Workshop at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., & Hedman, E. (2018). Internet-based vs. Face-to-face Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Psychiatric and Somatic Disorders: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Poster presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Carlbring, P., Rozental, A., Shafran, R., & Andersson, G. (2018). Long-term Effects of Internet-supported Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Poster presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Marti, R., Rothbaum, B, Carlbring, P., Botella, C. Peskin, M., Loucks, L., & Powers, M. (2018). Real World Observations Using Virtual Reality Treatments for Anxiety and Related Disorders. Symposia presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Fernández-Alvarez, J., Rozental, A., Carlbring, P., Colombo, D., Riva, G., Anderson, P., Banos Rivera, R. A., Bouchard, S., López Bretón, J., Cárdenas, G., Difede, J., Emmelkamp, P., Garcia-Palacios, A., Guillén, V., Hoffman, H., Kampmann, I., Moldovan, R., Mühlberger, A., Pauli, P., North, M., Peñate, W., Quero, S., Tortella-Feliu, M., Wyka, K., Botella, C. (2018). Deterioration Rates in Virtual Reality Therapy: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis and Implications for Research and Practice. Presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Powers, M. B., Levin-Coon, A., Miller, W., Caven, A., Caven, T., MacClements, J., Oh, J., Bernhardt, J., Carlbring, P., & Smits, J. A. J. (2018). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Animated Versus Live Action Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety & Pain in a Level I Trauma Center. Presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Carlbring, P., Miloff, A ., Fagernäs, S ., Andersen, J ., Sigeman, M ., Andersson, G ., Furmark, T., & Lindner, P . (2018). Therapist and Internet Administered One-Session Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Washington DC, USA, 4-8 April 2018.
Carlbring, P., Rozental, A., Shafran, R., Wade, T., Egan, S., Bergman Nordgren, L., Landström, A., Roos, S., Skoglund, M., Thelander, E., Trossell, L., Örtenholm, A., & Andersson, G. (2017, November). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet-Based CBT for Perfectionism Including an Investigation of Outcome Predictors. In M. Whittal (Chair), The Forgotten Psychologies: Understanding and Treating Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Self-Criticism, Symposium conducted at the 51st Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, 16-19 November, San Diego, USA.
Carlbring, P., Nyström, M. B. T., Stenling, A., Neely, G., Lindner, P., , Andersson, G., Martell, C. & Hassmén, P. (2017). Poster session presented at the meeting of the 51st Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, San Diego, USA, 16-19 November.
Carlbring, P., Boettcher, J., Magnusson, K., Marklund, A., & Andersson, G. (2017). Adding a smartphone app to bibliotherapy for social anxiety: a randomized controlled comparison. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 51st Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, San Diego, USA, 16-19 November.
Carlbring, P., Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Reuterskiöld, L., Hamilton, W., & Andersson, G. (2017). ITSY: A gamified one-session virtual reality app with 12-month follow-up data. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 51st Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, San Diego, USA, 16-19 November.
Rozental, A., Shafran, R., Wade, T., Egan, S., Kothari, R., Allcott-Watson, H., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2017). Is the Devil in the Detail? A Randomized Controlled Trial of Guided Internet-Based CBT for Perfectionism. In Whittal, M (Chair), The Forgotten Psychologies – Understanding and treating Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Self-Criticism. Symposium conducted at the 51st Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, San Diego, USA, 16-19 November 2017.
Rozental, A., Forsström, D., Lindner, P., Nilsson, S., Mårtensson, L., Rizzo, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Treating procrastination using cognitive behavior therapy: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial comparing treatment delivered via the Internet or in groups. In Whittal, M (Chair), The Forgotten Psychologies – Understanding and treating Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Self-Criticism. Symposium conducted at the 51st Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, San Diego, USA, 16-19 November 2017.
Carlbring, P ., Andersson, G ., Cuijpers, P ., Riper, H ., & Hedman, E. (2017). Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 16-17). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Vernmark, K., Hesser, H., Topooco, N ., Berger, T ., Riper, H ., Luuk, L ., Backlund, L ., Carlbring, P . & Andersson, G. (2017). The role of therapeutic alliance in blended treatment for depression. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 10). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Oscarsson, M., Rozental, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). New Year’s Resolutions – A Large Scale Randomized Controlled Trial. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 11). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Zetterberg, M ., Rozental, A ., Carlbring, P ., Andersson, G. (2017). Internet-Based Treatment of Perfectionism: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Two
Types of Self-Help. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 12). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Ma, L ., Zetterlund, E ., Nöjd, S ., Ek, A-K ., Åbyhammar, G ., Kruijt,A-W ., Furmark, T ., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Attentional bias modification in virtual reality. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 18). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Lindner, P ., Miloff, A ., Fagernäs, S ., Andersen, J ., Sigeman, M ., Andersson, G ., Furmark, T ., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Therapist-led and at-home one-session Virtual Reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety using consumer hardware and software, with online maintenance: A randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 19-20). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Fagernäs, S., Lindner, P., Miloff, A., Andersen, J., Sigeman, M., Furmark, T., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P.(2017). Moderating effects of presence and adherence in internetbased CBT with virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety. In: Abstracts from the 9th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 3 November, Linköping, Sweden (p 23-24). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Enduring effects of ICBT. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Nordgreen, T., Haug, T., Öst, L-G., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Kvale, G., Heiervang, E., & Havik, O. (2017). Stepped care for social anxiety disorder or panic disorder: A randomised controlled trial. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Vernmark, K., Hesser, H., Topoco, T., Berger, T., Riper, H., Luuk, L., Backlund, L., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2017). Working alliance predicts outcome in blended treatment (bCBT) for depression. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Geraghty, A., Essery, R., Kirby, S., Stuart, B., Turner, D., Little, P., Bronstein, A., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Yardley, L. (2017). Internet-based vestibular rehabilitation for older adults with chronic dizziness: A randomised controlled trial in primary care. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Vlaescu, G., Alasjö, A., Miloff, A., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2017). Features and functionality of the Iterapi platform for internet-based psychological treatment. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Carlbring, P., Lindner, P., Miloff, A., Fagernäs, S., Andersen, J., Sigeman, M., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2017). In session virtual reality use for public speaking anxiety – A randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Nyström, M., Stenling, A., Sjöström, E., Neely, G., Lindner, P., Hassmén, P., Andersson, G., Martell, C., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Behavioral activation versus physical activity via the internet: A randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Bergman Nordgren, L., Carlbring, P. & Andersson, G. (2017). Tailoring CBT-treatments delivered via the internet. Some examples from a Swedish context. Paper presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Rozental, A., Forsström, D., Lindner, P., Nilsson, S., Mårtensson, L., Rizzo, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Treating procrastination using cognitive behavior therapy: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial comparing treatment delivered via the Internet or in groups. Poster presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Rozental, A., Castonguay, L., Dimidjian, S., Lambert, M., Shafran, R., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Negative effects in psychotherapy: Current understanding and future research directions. Poster presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, Germany, 12–14 October 2017.
Carlbring, P., Lindner, P., Miloff, A., Fagernäs, S., Andersen, J., Sigeman, M., Furmark, T., Andersson, G. (2017). The efficacy of internet-based virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety – A randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 – 16 September.
Carlbring, P. (2017). Internet-based CBT Interventions. In-congress workshop presented at the 47th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 – 16 September.
Boettcher, J., Carlbring, P., Warnock-Parkes, E., & Willutzki, U. (2017). Innovations in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 – 16 September.
Carlbring, P., Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Reuterskiöld, L., Hamilton, W., & Andersson, G. (2017). ITSY: A gamified one-session virtual reality app with 12-month follow-up data. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 – 16 September.
Rozental, A., Magnusson, K., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). For better or worse: An individual patient data meta-analysis of deterioration among participants receiving Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, Manchester, United Kingdom, 26-28 July 2017.
Rozental, A., Forsström, D., Lindner, P., Nilsson, S., Mårtensson, L., Rizzo, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Treating procrastination using cognitive behavior therapy: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial comparing treatment delivered via the Internet or in groups. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, Manchester, United Kingdom, 26-28 July 2017.
Rozental, A., Kottorp, A., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Negative Effects of Psychological Treatments: An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Negative Effects Questionnaire for Monitoring and Reporting Adverse and Unwanted Events. Paper presented at the 9th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 29 June-1 July 2017.
Carlbring, P. (2017). Using the internet and virtual reality to treat psychological problems. Presented at the E-COMPARED European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme conference, University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland, 26 May 2017.
Powers, M., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Recent Advances in Virtual Reality Therapy. Presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, San Francisco, USA, 6-9 April 2017.
Carlbring, P. (2017). Single-session Gamified Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Spider Phobia vs. Traditional Exposure Therapy: A Randomized-controlled Non-inferiority Trial with 12-month Follow-up. Presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, San Francisco, USA, 6-9 April 2017.
Rozental, A., Magnusson, K., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2017). For better or worse: An individual patient data meta-analysis of deterioration among participants receiving Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Poster presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, San Francisco, USA, 6-9 April 2017.
Boettcher, J., Magnusson, K., Marklund, A., & Carlbring, P. (2017). Challenger: eine “smarte” Erweiterung der internet-basierten Therapie sozialer Ängste. Vortrag auf Fachgruppentagung Klinische Psychologie. Chemnitz.
Bas-Hoogendam, J. M., H. v. Steenbergen, J. N. Pannekoek, J.-P. Fouche, C. Lochner, C. J. Hattingh, H. R. Cremers, T. Furmark, K. N. T. Månsson, A. Frick, J. Engman, C.-J. Boraxbekk, P. Carlbring, G. Andersson, M. Fredrikson, T. Straube, J. Peterburs, H. Klumpp, K. L. Phan, K. Roelofs, D. J. Stein, & N. J. A. van der Wee (2017). Sample Size Matters: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Multi-Center Mega-Analysis of Gray Matter Volume in Social Anxiety Disorder. Biological Psychiatry 81(10): S7-S8. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.02.027
Rozental, A., Kottorp, A., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Negative effects of psychological treatments: An exploratory factor analysis of the Negative Effects Questionnaire for monitoring and reporting adverse and unwanted events. Presentation at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 284). Stockholm: EABCT.
Magnusson, K., Rozental, A., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). For better or worse: An individual patient data meta-analysis of deterioration among participants receiving Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Presentation at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 285). Stockholm: EABCT.
Cernvall, M., Carlbring, P., Ljungman, L., Ljungman, G., & von Essen, L. (2016). Internet-based guided self-help for parents of children diagnosed with cancer: Long-term follow – up of a randomized controlled trial. Presentation at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 470). Stockholm: EABCT.
Ivanova, E., Lindner, P., Dahlin, M., Vernmark, K., Ly, K. H., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Guided and unguided transdiagnostic Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety disorders provided via a computer and a smartphone application: a randomized controlled trial. Presentation at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 530). Stockholm: EABCT.
Rozental, A., Forsell, E., Svensson, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Overcoming procrastination: One-year follow-up and predictors of change in a randomized controlled trial of Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Presentation at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 542). Stockholm: EABCT.
Lindner, P., Nordby, K., Rozental, A., Carlbring, P., & Svartdal, F. (2016). Domain-specific quality of life across five European countries : Cross-cultural validation of the Brunnsviken Brief Quality of life (BBQ) scale. Poster at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 590). Stockholm: EABCT.
Lindner, P., Rozental, A., Forsström, D., Andersson, G., Furmark, T., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Differential impact of performance and interaction related types of social anxiety symptoms on different quality of life domains. Poster at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 748). Stockholm: EABCT.
Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Hamilton, W., Reuterskiold, L., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Is virtual reality treatment for spider phobia noninferior to traditional one-session treatment? The results of a randomized-controlled trial. Poster at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 753). Stockholm: EABCT.
Carlbring, P. (2016). Internet-Delivered CBT: State of the Art and Future Directions. Keynote at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 18). Stockholm: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2016). Internet treatment for anxiety disorders. Presentation at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 51). Stockholm: EABCT.
Strandhäll, A., Wieselgren, I.-M., Westerholm, B., Rück, C., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2016) Vård av psykisk ohälsa i Sverige – aktuell situation och framtida utmaningar. Panel at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 98). Stockholm: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., Huppert, J., Koster, E., Watkins, E., Boettcher, J., & Blackwell, S. (2016). What can bias modification training add to CBT? Panel at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 100). Stockholm: EABCT.
Bouchard, S., Carlbring, P., Loranger, C., Botella, C., & Botella, C. (2016). Mechanisms underlying the efficacy of exposure in virtual reality for anxiety disorders. Discussion at the 46th European association of behavioural and cognitive therapies congress, August 31 – September 3, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 139). Stockholm: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Hamilton, W., Reutersköld, L., & Andersson, G. (2016). Single-Session Gamified Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Spider Phobia Vs. Traditional Exposure Therapy: a Randomized-Controlled Trial. Presentation at the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Australia, 22-25 June 2016.
Carlbring, P., Marklund, A., Miloff, A., Sjöblom, K., Delin, L., Lundén, C., Blomdahl, R., Braun, U., Cotter, K., Magnusson, K., Andersson, G. (2016). The Challenger App for Social Anxiety Disorder: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Presentation at the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Australia, 22-25 June 2016.
Sommer, D., Marklund A., Zagorscak, P., Carlbring, P., Knaevelsrud, C., & Boettcher, J. (2016). Challenger accepted?! Ergebnisse der Pilotierung einer App für Menschen mit sozialen Ängsten. [Challenger accepted?! Results of piloting an app for people with social anxiety.] Poster, 34. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld, Germany 4-7 May.
Rozental, A., Magnusson, K., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). For better or worse: An individual patient data meta-analysis of deterioration among participants receiving Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Australia, 22-25 June 2016.
Rozental, A., Forsell, E., Svensson, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Overcoming procrastination: One-year follow-up and predictors of change in a randomized controlled trial of Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Australia, 22-25 June 2016.
Ritterband, L., Riper, H., Mohr, D., Palermo, T., Kay-Lambkin, F., Christensen, H., Carlbring, P., Munoz, R., & Van de ven, P. (2016). Challenges, controversies, and the future of developing, evaluating, and implementing Internet interventions. Panel presented at the 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Seattle, USA, 7-9 April 2016.
Carlbring, P., Marklund, A., Miloff, A., Sjöblom, K., Delin, L., Lundén, C., Blomdahl, R., Braun, U., Cotter, K., Magnusson, K., Andersson, G. (2016). Treat your social anxiety disorder with this gamified smartphone app. Poster presented at the 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Seattle, USA, 7-9 April 2016. [WON PRIZE FOR BEST POSTER]
Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Hamilton, W., Reutersköld, L., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Single-session gamified virtual reality exposure therapy for spider phobia vs. traditional exposure therapy: A randomized-controlled trial. Poster presented at the 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Seattle, USA, 7-9 April 2016.
Carlbring, P., Hassmen, P., Nyström, M., Lindner, P., & Andersson, G. (2016). The relative effects of behavioral activation vs. physical exercise in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. Poster presented at the 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Seattle, USA, 7-9 April 2016.
Rozental, A.., Forsell, E., Svensson, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2016). Overcoming procrastination: One-year follow-up and predictors of change in a randomized controlled trial of Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy. Poster presented at the 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Seattle, USA, 7-9 April 2016.
Cernvall, M., Carlbring, P., Ljungman, L., Ljungman, G., & von Essen, L. (2015). Internet-based Guided Self-help for Parents of Children Diagnosed with Cancer: 1-year Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Psycho-Oncology, 24, 125-126. [2015 World Congress of Psycho-Oncology (a joint conference of the International Psycho-Oncology Society and the American Psychosocial Oncology Society) 28 July – 1 August 2015 Washington, DC, USA]
Lindner, P., Carlbring, P., Flodman, E., Poysti, S., Hagkvist, F., Johansson, R., Zetterqvist Westin, V., Berger, T., & Andersson, G. (2015). Cognitive flexibility does not predict symptom reduction in Internet interventions. Poster presented at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2015.
Lindner, P., Frykheden, O., Forsström, D., Andersson, E., Ljótsson, B., Hedman, E.,Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2015). The Brunnsviken Brief Quality of life scale (BBQ) : A novel, free self-rating scale of subjective quality of life. Poster presented at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2015.
Ivanova, E., Lindner, P., Dahlin, M., Ly, H., Vernmark, K., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Guided and unguided CBT for social anxiety disorder and/or panic disorder via the Internet and a smartphone application. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 9). Linköping: Linköping University Press
Hesslow, T., Nilsson, M., Johansson, R., Färdig, S., Jansson, A., Jonsson, L., Karlsson, J., Hesser, H., Ljótsson, B., Frederick, R.J., Lilliengren, P., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G. Internet-delivered psychodynamic psychotherapy in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 12). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Braun, U., Borg, E., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Predictive factors of successful self treatment for social anxiety – with or without elements of Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 12). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Månsson, KNT., Salami, A., Frick, A., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Furmark, T., Boraxbekk, CJ. (2015) Neuroplasticity in Response to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 13). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Vlaescu, G., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2015). An e-platform for rehabilitation of persons with psychological problems. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 14). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Hamilton, W., Reutersköld, L., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P. (2015). Gamified Virtual Reality exposure therapy for spider phobia vs. traditional exposure therapy: Study protocol for a randomized-controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 16). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Hamilton, W., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Virtual spiders raise real heart rates. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 17). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Bengtsson, J., Nordin, S. & Carlbring, P. (2015). Therapists’ experiences of conducting cognitive behavioural therapy online vis-à-vis face-to-face. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 17). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Forsström, D., Rozental, A., Nilsson, S., Rizzo, A., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Group versus Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for procrastination: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 19). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Delin, L., Sjöblom, K., Lundén, C., Blomdahl, R., Marklund, A., Andersson, G., Dahl, J., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Challenger- A mobile phone application for treatment of social phobia: A randomized controlled trial of a self-help treatment in book form with or without the addition of mobile phone application (master’s thesis, Uppsala University, Institution of psychology). In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 22-23). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Nilsson, A., Magnusson, K., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Gumpert, C. (2015). ICBT for Pathological Gamblers – Involving Concerned Significant Others in Treatment. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 24). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Rozental, A., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., Schmidt, B., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Negative effects of Internet interventions: A qualitative content analysis of patients’ experiences with treatments delivered online. In: Abstracts from the 7th Swedish Congress on internet interventions (SWEsrii), 6-7 November, Stockholm, Sweden (p 29). Linköping: Linköping University Press.
Carlbring, P., Nystrom, M., Lindner, P., Martell, C., Forsberg, L., Ström, L., Andersson, G., & Hassmen, P. (2015). Behavioral Activation vs. Physical Exercise in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depression. Paper presented at the 45th Annual European Association for Behavioural Cognitive Therapies Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 31 August-03 September 2015.
Carlbring, P., Nystrom, M., Lindner, P., Martell, C., Forsberg, L., Ström, L., Andersson, G., & Hassmen, P. (2015). Behavioral Activation vs. Physical Exercise in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depression. Paper presented at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2015.
Rozental, A., Alhashwa, P., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Investigating the impact of negative effects during a smartphone-based treatment for social anxiety disorder: A correlational study. Poster presented at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2015.
Rozental, A., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., Schmidt, B., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Negative effects of Internet interventions: A qualitative content analysis of patients’ experiences with treatments delivered online. Paper presented at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2015.
Rozental, A., Forsell, E., Svensson, A., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for procrastination: A randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2015.
Rozental, A., Boettcher, J., Andersson, G., Schmidt, B., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Negative effects of Internet interventions: A qualitative content analysis of patients’ experiences with treatments delivered online. Paper presented at the 45th Annual European Association for Behavioural Cognitive Therapies Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 31 August-03 September 2015.
Rozental, A., Alhashwa, P., & Carlbring, P. (2015). Investigating the impact of negative effects during a smartphone-based treatment for social anxiety disorder: A correlational study. Poster presented at the 45th Annual European Association for Behavioural Cognitive Therapies Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 31 August-03 September 2015.
Bystedt, S., Rozental A., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Practicing clinicians’ understanding and experiences of negative effects in psychotherapy. Poster presented at the 44th Annual European Association for Behavioural Cognitive Therapies Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 10-13 September 2014.
Marklund, A., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Challenger – the Development and Initial Evaluation of a Smartphone Application for Social Anxiety Disorder. Abstracts from the 8th Medicine 2.0 Summit & World Congress. 13-14 November, 2014. Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Carlbring, P., Boettcher, J., Rozental, A., & Andersson, G. (2014). Side Effects in Internet-Based Interventions for Social Anxiety Disorder. Abstracts from the 8th Medicine 2.0 Summit & World Congress. 13-14 November, 2014. Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Rozental A., Andersson, G., Boettcher, J., Ebert, D., Cuijpers, P., Knaevelsrud, C., Ljótsson, B., Kaldo, V., Titov, N., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Consensus Statement on Defining and Measuring Negative Effects of Internet Interventions. Abstracts from the 8th Medicine 2.0 Summit & World Congress. 13-14 November, 2014. Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Carlbring P., Boettcher, J., Renneberg, B., & Berger, T. (2014). Internet-Based Interventions for Social Anxiety Disorder – an Overview. Abstracts from the 44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies. 10 – 13 september 2014. The Hague, The Netherlands.
Rozental Alexander, Andersson Gerhard & Carlbring Per. (2014). Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Procrastination. Abstracts from the 44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies. 10 – 13 september 2014. The Hague, The Netherlands.
Rozental A., Andersson, G., Boettcher, J., Ebert, D., Cuijpers, P., Knaevelsrud, C., Ljótsson, B., Kaldo, V., Titov, N., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Consensus Statement on Defining and Measuring Negative Effects of Internet Interventions. Abstracts from the 44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies. 10 – 13 september 2014. The Hague, The Netherlands.
Andersson G., Cuijpers, P., Carlbring, P., Riper, H., & Hedman, E. (2014). Internet-Based Vs. Face-To-Face Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychiatric and Somatic Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Abstracts from the 44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies. 10 – 13 september 2014. The Hague, The Netherlands.
Månsson K. , Frick, A; Olsson, CJ; Marquande, A F; Williams, S CR; Carlbring, P; Andersson, G; Furmark, T. (2014). Predicting Long-Term Outcome of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Using fMRI and Support Vector Machiness. Abstracts from the 44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies. 10 – 13 september 2014. The Hague, The Netherlands.
Invited Keynote: Carlbring, P. (2014). Is internet-delivered CBT as effective as regular CBT? Abstract from the 33rd congress of the Flemish section of our Association for (cognitive) Behaviour Therapy. 12 December, 2014, Antwerp, Belgium.
Invited Keynote: Carlbring, P. (2014). Internet and Smartphone Based Treatments Including a New PTSD-Study. Abstract from the 2nd International Anxiety conference of the Shefa Neuroscience Research Center, khatam Hospital. 1-3 October, 2014, Tehran, Iran. Published in: The Neuroscience Journal of Shefaye Khatam, 2014, Volume 2, No. 3, Suppl 1.
Invited Workhop: Carlbring, P. (2014). PTSD and Disasters. Abstract from the 2nd International Anxiety conference of the Shefa Neuroscience Research Center, khatam Hospital. 1-3 October, 2014, Tehran, Iran. Published in: The Neuroscience Journal of Shefaye Khatam, 2014, Volume 2, No. 3, Suppl 1.
Carlbring, P., Kuckertz, J. M., Gildebrant, E., Liliequist, B., Karlström, P., Väppling, C., Bodlund, O., Stenlund, T., Hofmann, S. G., Amir, N, & Andersson, G. (2014). Abstract from the 48th congress of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. November, 21-23. Philadelphia.
Carlbring, P. (2014). 15 years of internet interventions research: ANXIETY. Abstract from the 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 21-23 October, 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Ly, K H., Topooco, N., Cederlund, H., Wallin, A,. Bergström, J., Molander, O., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2014). Smartphone-Supported vs. Full Behavioural Activation for Depression: A Randomised Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial. Abstract from the 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 21-23 October, 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Carlbring, P. & Marklund, A. (2014). Challenger – the Development and Initial Evaluation of a Smartphone Application for Social Anxiety Disorder. Poster presented the 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 21-23 October, 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Persson Asplund, R., Dagöö, J., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Ljótsson, B. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of a guided and individualized, web-based, stress management program for stressed managers. Abstract from the 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 21-23 October, 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Rozental, A., Andersson, G., Boettcher, J., Ebert, D. D., Cuijpers, P., Knaevelsrud, C., Ljótsson, B., Kaldo, V., Titov, N., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Consensus Statement on Defining and Measuring Negative Effects of Internet Interventions. Abstract from the 7th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 21-23 October, 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Holländare, F., Tillfors, M., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Engström, I. (2013). Internet-based CBT as relapse prevention for partially remitted depression – results from a two-year follow-up and future directions for research. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Andersson, G., Dagöö, J., Persson-Asplund, R., Ljótsson, B., Furmark, T., Carlbring, P. (2013) A Controlled Trial of Smartphone and Internet-Delivered CBT Versus Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Ly, K, H., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G. (2013). Behavioral activation-, and mindfulness-based guided self-help treatment administered through smartphone. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Andersson, G., Johansson, R., Nyblom, A., Carlbring, P. (2013). Can We Let the Patient Decide? A Pilot Preference Study of Internet-Based Psychodynamic Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Geraghty, A., Essery, R., Kirby, S., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Bronstein, A., Turner, D., Stuart, B., Yardley, L. (2013). Development of an Internet Intervention for Dizziness in Older Adults. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Boettcher, J., Leek, L., Matson, L., Andersson, G., Holmes, E, A., Browning, M., MacLeod, C., Carlbring, P. (2013) How to train attention in Social Anxiety Disorder? A randomised controlled comparison of different training conditions in an Internet-based setting. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Carlbring, P., Påhlsson, D., Åström, V., Schenström, O., Andersson, G. (2013). Internet-based Mindfulness treatment for mixed anxiety disorders – a randomized controlled trial. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Månsson, K., Carlbring, P., Frick, A., Olsson, C-J., Bodlund, O., Furmark, T., Andersson, G. (2013). Biological Approaches to Attention Bias Modification Research. Abstract from the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. 22-25 July, 2013, Lima/Peru.
Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Johansson, R., Nyblom, A., Cuijpers, P., Boettcher, J., Leek, L., Matson, L., Holmes, E., Browning, M., Andersson, G. (2013). The latest developments in internet-based treatments of common mental disorders. Abstract from the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 22-25 July, 2013, Lima/Peru.
Cavanagh, K., Riper, H., Andersson, G., Millings, A., Carlbring, P., Tillfors, M., Cuijpers, P. (2013). Advances in CBT-based Internet Interventions. Abstract from the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 22-25 July, 2013, Lima/Peru.
Andersson, G., Dagöö, J., Persson, Asplund, R., Ljótsson, B., Furmark, F., Carlbring, P. (2013). Smartphone and Internet-delivered ICBT versus interpersonal psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Abstract from the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 22-25 July, 2013, Lima/Peru.
Carlbring, P., Boettcher, J., Hasselrot, J., Sund, E., & Andersson, G. (2013). Combining attention training with cognitive-behavior therapy in Internet-based self-help for social anxiety: a randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 41st annual conference of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies, 16-19 July, London, United Kingdom (pp 11-12). London: BABCP.
Holländare, F., Tillfors, M., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Engström, I. (2013). Internet-based CBT as relapse prevention for partially remitted depression – results from a two-year follow-up and future directions for research. Abstract from the 6th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 16-18 May, 2013, Chicago.
Månsson, NT. K., Carlbring, P., Frick, A., Engman, J., Olsson, C. J., Bodlund, O., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2013). Amygdala Changes After Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Attention Bias Modification via the Internet – An fMRI-Study. In: Abstracts from the 68th annual conference of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, 16th to 18th May, San Francisco, USA (pp 72S). San Francisco: SOBP.
Carlbring, P. (2013). Kejsarens nya kläder?! Attention bias modification som behandling av social fobi. Resultat och lärdomar från 4 svenska studier. Presented at the annual conference of the Swedish association for behaviour therapy, 21st to 23rd March, Uppsala, Sweden.
Holländare, F., Johansson, S., Randestad, M., Tillfors, M., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Engström, I. (2012). Internet-based relapse prevention for partially remitted depression. Two-year outcome of a randomised trial In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 228). Geneva: EABCT.
Andersson, G., Ivarsson, D., Blom, M., Hesser, H., Enderby, P., Nordberg, R., Carlbring, P. (2012). Guided Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 41). Geneva: EABCT.
Månsson, N. T. K., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G. (2012). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Delivered Face-To-Face With Support Via The Internet And An iPad – A Standard Approach In The Future? In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 41). Geneva: EABCT.
Nordgreen, T., Haug, T., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Havik, E.O. (2012). Guided self-help for social anxiety disorder: With and without an initial therapist-led psycho-education session In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 42). Geneva: EABCT.
Nordgren-Bergman, L., Carlbring, P., Linna, E., Andersson, G. (2012). Does therapeutic alliance affect the treatment outcome in tailored internet-administered cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders? In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 42). Geneva: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., Håkansson, A., Johansson, T., Pettersson, M., Sjögren, J., Dahlin, M., Kadowaki, Å., Andersson, G. (2012). Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 42). Geneva: EABCT
Nordgreen, T., Aug, T., Tangen, T., Hovland, O.J., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Kvale, G., Öst, G., Heiervang, E., Havik, O. (2012). Stepped care vs. direct CBT for social anxiety disorder or panic disorder: A randomised controlled trial In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 80). Geneva: EABCT.
Carlbring, P. (2012). A randomized controlled trial on Internet-delivered treatment for social anxiety disorder – attention bias modification training vs. cognitive behavior therapy In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 107). Geneva: EABCT.
Månsson, N. T. K., Carlbring, P., Frick, A., Engman, J., Olsson, C.J., Bodlund, O., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2012). Using Functional Brain Imaging to Measure Effects by Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Cognitive Bias Modification in Social Anxiety Disorder – an RCT In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 114). Geneva: EABCT.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Lynch-Olsson, C., Sundling, K., Furmark, T., on behalf of the SOFIE Research Group. (2012). Requested versus scheduled support in Internet-delivered CBT for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial In: Abstracts from the 42th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 29 August to 1 September, Geneva, Schweiz (p 115). Geneva: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., Maurin, L., Torngren, C., Linna, E., Andersson, G. (2011). Individually-tailored, Internet-based treatment for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial In: The 39th Annual Conference and Workshops, 20 July to 23 July, Guildford, UK (p 31). Guildford: BABCP.
Andersson, G., Gustavsson, M., Andersson, A.K., Andreen, H., Carlbring, P. (2011). Behavioural couples therapy over the Internet: a randomised controlled trial In: The 39th Annual Conference and Workshops, 20 July to 23 July, Guildford, UK (p 31). Guildford: BABCP.
Carlbring, P. (2012). Forskning på samhandling og lavterskeltilbud. Hva viser forskning om nytten av selvhjelpsbehandling? In: Helse Vests forskningskonferanse, 18 Oktober to 19 Oktober, Stavanger, Norway (p 1). Stavanger: HVF.
Månsson, K., Carlbring, P., Olsson, C. J., Bodlund, O., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2012). Using Functional Brain Imaging to Measure Effects by Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Cognitive Bias Modification in Social Anxiety Disorder – an RCT. In: Abstracts from the 40th annual conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 27-29th June, Leeds, UK (pp 28). Leeds: BABCP.
Månsson, K., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2012). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Delivered Face-to-Face With Support via the Internet and an iPad – A Standard Approach in the Future? In: Abstracts from the 40th annual conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 27-29th June, Leeds, UK (pp 107). Leeds: BABCP.
Sjostrom, M., Umefjord, G., Stenlund, H., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Samuelsson, E. (2012). INTERNET-BASED TREATMENT OF STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE: A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED STUDY.Neurourology and Urodynamics, 31(6), 734-736.
Holländare, F., Johansson, O., Carlbring, P., & Lundh, L.G. (2011). Can internet-based CBT prevent depressive relapse in outpatients? In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 298). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Silfvernagel, K., Kabo, J., Edström, S., Eriksson, T., Månsson, K., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2011). Tailored internet-administered treatment of panic symptoms – a randomised controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 305). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Månsson, K., Carlbring, P., Olsson, C. J., Bodlund, O., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2011). Internet-administered treatment of social anxiety disorder: Cognitive behavioural therapy vs. computerized attention training – a pilot RCT. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 306). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Bergman-Nordgren, L., Bodin, J., Etienne, J., Kadowaki, Å., Andersson, G, & Carlbring, P. (2011). Individually-tailored internet-based treatment for anxiety disorders in primary care: A randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 172). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Lundberg, M., Carlbring., P., Helfrich, L., Lindwall, S., Moharer, A., & Andersson, G. (2011). The effects of an Internet-based psychological training program for elite athletes: A randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 217). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Carlbring, P. (2011). A brief overview of recent attempts to integrate Motivational Interviewing with Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 28). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Carlbring, P. Jonsson, J., Degerman, N., Stewart, S.H., & Andersson, G. (2011). Prediction and treatment outcome of an Internet-based program targeting pathological gambling including three-year follow-up. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 28-29). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Andersson, G., Holländare, F., Johnsson, S., Randestad, M., Tillfors, M., Carlbring, P., & Engström, I. (2011). Internet based cognitive behaviour therapy in the prevention of relapse in persons with partially remitted major depression: a randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 39). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Paxling, B. (2011). Therapist impact on treatment outcome with cCBT for anxiety disorders. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 76). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Nordgreen, T., Havik, O. E., Öst, L. G., Furmark, T., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2011). Predictors of outcome in guided and unguided self-help for social anxiety disorder. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 121). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., Bergman-Nordgren, L., Maurin, L., Törngren, C., Linna, E., & Andersson, G. (2011). Individually-tailored, Internet-based treatment for anxiety disorders – the future? In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 138). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Andersson, G., Gustafsson, T., Lundén, C., Fattahi, K., Henriksson, O., Zetterqvist Westin, V., Carlbring, P., & Hesser, H. (2011). Internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for tinnitus patients. In: Abstracts from the 41th annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 31 August to 3 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (pp 160). Reykjavik: EABCT.
Carlbring, P., Maurin, L., Torngren, C., Linna, E., Andersson, G. (2011). Individually-tailored, Internet-based treatment for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 39th annual conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 21-23 July, Guildford, United Kingdom (pp 31). Guildford: BABCP.
Andersson, G., Gustavsson, M., Andersson, A.-K., Andreen, H., Carlbring, P. (2011). Behavioural couples therapy over the Internet: a randomised controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 39th annual conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, 21-23 July, Guildford, United Kingdom (pp 31). Guildford: BABCP.
Furmark, T., Carlbring, P., Hammer, S., Wahlgren, I., Ekselius, L., Eriksson, E., et al. (2010). Effects of Serotonin Transporter and Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 Gene Variation on the Response to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder. [Meeting Abstract]. Biological Psychiatry, 67(9), 408.
Andersson, G., Blom, M., Ivarsson, D., Enderby, P., & Carlbring, P. (2010). Guided Internet treatment of PTSD. A randomized trial. In: Abstracts from the 6th World conference of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, June 2-5, Boston (p 47). Boston: WCBCT.
Holländare, F.., Johnsson, S., Randestad, M., Tillfors, M., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G. & I. Engström. (2010). Using Internet based CBT to prevent relapse in major depression. In: Abstracts from the 6th World conference of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, June 2-5, Boston (p 56). Boston: WCBCT.
Carlbring, P., Jonsson, J., Josephson, H., Forsberg, L. (2010). Motivational interviewing versus cognitive behavioral group therapy in the treatment of problem and pathological gambling: a randomized controlled trial. In: Abstracts from the 6th World conference of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, June 2-5, Boston (p 78). Boston: WCBCT.
Johansson, R., Sjöberg, E., Sjögren, M., Andersson, T., Carlbring, P., Rousseau, A. & Andersson, G. (2010). Randomized Controlled Trial of an Individualized Internet-based Treatment of Depression, Comorbid Anxiety and Subclinical Symptoms. In: Abstracts from the 6th World conference of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, June 2-5, Boston (p 74). Boston: WCBCT.
Paxling, B., Andersson, G., Donker, T., Carlbring, P., & Paxling, B. (2010). New Frontiers of Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In: Abstracts from the 6th World conference of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, June 2-5, Boston (p 59). Boston: WCBCT.
Listan behöver uppdateras med presentationerna på ABCT 2009, ISRII 2009…
Carlbring, p. (2009). Internet treatment of gambling addiction. In abstracts of 29th Nordic Congress of Psychiatry, Stockholm City Conference Centre 22-25 September.
Carlbring, p. (2008). Two Swedish studies: motivational interviewing vs. Cognitive behavioral group therapy and internet-based treatment of pathological gambling. Expert conference on gambling, care and rehabilitation services. December 4, Helsinki, Finland.
Bergström, J., Ljotsson, B., Andersson, G., Andreewitch, S., Rück, C., Carlbring, P., & Lindefors, N et al. (2008). Effectiveness of internet treatment for panic disorder delivered in a psychiatric setting. European Psychiatry, 23(Supplement 2), S355-S356.
Carlbring, P., Bergström, M., Lundgren, R., & Smit, F. (2008). Long-term follow-up of internet-based self-help for pathological gambling. In: Abstracts from the 38th annual congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, 10-13 september, Helsinki, Finland (pp 26). Helsinki: EABCT
Almlöv, J., Paxling, B., Dahlin, M., Carlbring, P., Breitholtz, E., Eriksson, T., & Andersson, G. (2008). Internet delivered CBT: the efficacy of a guided self-help treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. In: Abstracts from the 38th annual congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, 10-13 september, Helsinki, Finland (pp 27). Helsinki: EABCT
Andersson, G., Enström, M., Jonsson, L., Källberg, K., Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Paxling, B., Carlbring, P., & Fjällskog, M-L. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of tailored internet-delivered cbt for breast cancer patients. In: Abstracts from the 38th annual congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, 10-13 september, Helsinki, Finland (pp 28). Helsinki: EABCT
Nordgren, T., Haug, T., Sivertsen, B., Standal, B., Mannes, H., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Havik, O. (2008). Self-help via Internet with minimal therapist contact for panic disorder: A pilot study. In: Abstracts from the 38th annual congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, 10-13 september, Helsinki, Finland (pp 206). Helsinki: EABCT
Carlbring, P. & Fager, M. (2007). Reliabilitet och validitet hos ett nytt självskattningsforumär vid spelmani (NORC DSM-IV Screen for gambling problems, self-assessment version). In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 28-30 november 2007, 116 (pp. 59). Stockholmsmässan: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Carlbring, P., Bergström, M., & Lundgren, R. (2007). Behandling av spelmani på distans: Två studier, varav en randomiserad och kontrollerad. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 28-30 november 2007, 116 (pp. 94). Stockholmsmässan: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Carlbring, P., Bergman, L., Furmark, T., & Andersson, G. (2007). Långtidseffekter av Internetbaserad KBT vid social fobi. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 28-30 november 2007, 116 (pp. 94). Stockholmsmässan: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Andersson, G., Svedling, L., Veilord, A., Andersson, F., Sleman, O., Sarkobi, A., Claesson, E., Westin, V., Eriksson, T., Lamminen, M., & Carlbring, P. (2007). Internetbehandling kontra gruppbehandling vid egentlig depression. Krävs mer behandling och får vissa deltagare snabba plötsliga förbättringar? In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 28-30 november 2007, 116 (pp. 94). Stockholmsmässan: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Carlbring, P., Maurin, L., Törngren, L., Linna, E., Sparthan, E., & Andersson, G. (2007). NOVA: Individualized Internet- delivered guided self-help for anxiety disorders A randomized controlled study. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 24). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Andersson, G., Veilord, A., Svedling, L., Andersson, F., Sleman, O., Westin, V., Clason, E., Sarkohi, A., Lamminen, M., Eriksson, T., & Carlbring, P. (2007). Randomized trial of Internet delivered CBT versus group CBT, with the inclusion of a preference arm, stepped care and assessment of sudden gains. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 7). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Almlöv, J., Paxling, B., Dahlin, M., Carlbring, P., Breitholtz, E., Eriksson, T., & Andersson, G. (2007). A randomized controlled study of the effficacy of a web-administered guided self-help treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 7). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Bergström, J., Andersson, G., Rück, C., Andreewitch, S., Ljotsson, B., Carlbring. P., & Lindefors, N. (2007). Internet-based CBT for panic disorder and depression: Effectiveness and implementation in regular care. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 8). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Carlbring, P., Bergman, L., Furmark., & Andersson, G. (2007). Long term follow-up of Internet-based treatment of social phobia. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 8). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Nordin, S., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Klein, B., & Austin, D. (2007). A picture-based online questionnaire for agoraphobia. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 16). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Paxling, B., Smit, F., Dahiln, M., Almlöv, J., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2007). Web-based therapist-guided self-help in generalized anxiety disorder: Cost-effectiveness analysis alongsida a randomised trial. Abstract from the third meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions. 11-12 October 2007, (p. 17). Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
Carlbring, P., Bergström, M. & Lundgren, R. (2007). Internet-based treatment for pathological gambling. In: European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies’s 5th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies in Barcelona, Spain, from 11 to 14 July 2007.
Carlbring, P., Bergström, M. & Lundgren, R. (2007). Internet-based treatment for pathological gambling. In: ICAA’s 50th International Conference on Dependencies in Stockholm, Sweden, from 10 to 15 June 2007.
Carlbring, P., Edlund, A., & Enmark, B. (2007). Treatment Programmes on the Internet . In: The Foundation Nordic Society for Information about Problem gambling’s VI:s conferens on Gaming on the Internet & Prevention of youth gambling problems in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 21 to 22 May 2007.
Carlbring, P. (2006). Kort och långtidseffekter av biblioterapi vid paniksyndrom – ett sektionssymposie vid sektionen för psykiatri. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 29 november – 1 december 2006, (p. 30). Svenska Mässan Göteborg: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Bendelin, N., Dahl, J., Andersson, G., Zetterqvist Nelson, K., & Carlbring, P. (2006). Upplevelser av internetbaserad depressionsbehandling med kognitiv beteendeterapi. En kvalitativ studie. Nätabstract från Riksstämman Stockholm 2006, psykiatrisektionen
Furmark, T., Carlbring, P., Hedman, E., Sonnenstein, A., Clevberger, P., Holmström, A., Sparthan, E., Tillfors, M., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2006). Hur väl fungerar en självhjälpsbok vid social fobi? En randomiserad, kontrollerad studie. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 29 november – 1 december 2006, (p. 84). Svenska Mässan Göteborg: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Berman, A. H., Kristiansson, M., Carlbring, P. Wiklund, G., Farzanfar, R., Wahlund, D., & Friedman, R. (2006). Kan datorstyrt telefonstöd bidra till att minska våldshandlingar bland rättspsykiatriska patienter i öppenvård? In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 29 november – 1 december 2006, (p. 93). Svenska Mässan Göteborg: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Carlbring, P. (2006). Psykologisk behandling via Internet. I sammanfattningar av Psykoterapimässan, 18-20 maj, Älvsjö. (pp 18).
Carlbring, P. (2006). Internet-Based Self-Help For Pathological Gambling. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Strand Ekberg, A.K., Svensson, L., Fjällskog, M.L., Carlbring, P. & Andersson, G. (2006). Breast cancer patients and oncologists’ attitudes towards Internet delivered self-help. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Thorndike; F., Ritterband, L., Carlbring, P., Gonder-Frederick, L., Magee, J., & Smyth, F. (2006). Web-based Measurement: Effect of Completing Single or Multiple Items Per Web Page. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Furmark, T., Carlbring, P., Hedman, E., Sonnenstein, A., Clevberger, P., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2006). Bibliotherapy vs. Internet-based self-help with therapist feedback in the treatment of social phobia: A randomized controlled study. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Tillfors, M., Carlbring, P., Furmark, T., Lewenhaupt, S., Eriksson, A., Spak, M., Ekselius, L., Westling, B., & Andersson, G. (2006). University students with social phobia and public speaking fears: A randomized trial of Internet delivered self-help with or without live group exposure. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Bergström, J. Andersson, G., Karlsson, A., Andreewitch, S., Rück, C., Carlbring, P., & Lindefors, N. (2006). The effectiveness of Internet-based treatment for panic disorder and its implementation in regular care. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Ghaderi, A, Ljótsson, B., Mitsell, K., Lundin, C., & Carlbring, P. (2006). CBT-based self-help in combination support through with discussion forum via Internet in the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Vernmark, K., Lenndin, J., Bjärehed, J., Carlsson, M., Eriksson, T., Karlsson, J., Sarkohi, A., Öberg, J., Carlbring, P., & Andersson, G. (2006). Internet-delivered Email and self-help treatment for Depression: a randomised controlled trial. Second international meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (28-29 April).
Berman, A. H, Stevens, A., Kristiansson, M., Carlbring, P., Ludena, K., Friedman, R., & Farzanfar, R. (2006). Can Acts of Violence Among Forensic Psychiatric Outpatients be Minimized Using Computer Telephony? In International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, June 14-16, 2006 held in the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Carlbring, P. (2005). Internet-based treatment for pathological gambling. In: 6 th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues, Mamlö, 30 June – 2 July.
Carlbring, P., Enmark, B., & Edlund, A. (2005). Behandling av spelberoende via internet. In: Stiftelsen Nordiska Sällskapet för Upplysning om Spelberoendes femte konferens, Malmö, 29 june.
Carlbring, P., Holmström, A., Sparthan, E., Furmark, T., Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Buhrman, M., Ekselius, L. & Andersson, G. (2005). Internet treatment for social phobia. In: 5th international congress of cognitive psychotherapy, Gothenburg, 13-17 june (p. 56).
Carlbring, P. (2005). Policy into practice: Internet-based self-help for pathological gambling. 6th IUHPE European conference on the effectiveness and quality of health promotion. Norra Latin, Stockholm (2 juni).
Carlbring, P. (2005). Behandling av ångest via internet. Seminarium vid Institutet för psykosocial medcin, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm (4 april).
Carlbring, P., Holmström, A., Sparthan, E., Furmark, T., Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Buhrman, M., Ekselius, L. & Andersson, G. (2004). Ett Internetbaserat självhjälpsprogram i kombination med gruppträffar för personer med social fobi. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 24-26 november 2004, 112:2 (p. 78). Svenska Mässan Göteborg: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Carlbring, P. (2004). Kvinnosjukvården i en internetbaserad värld: Behandling via internet. Svensk Förening för Psykosocial Obstetrik & Gynekologi, Stockholm (15 oktober).
Carlbring, P. (2004). Behandling av spelberoende via Internet. Folkhälsostämman, Stockholm (11-13 oktober).
Carlbring, P., & Bergström, J. (2004). Interactive session: Online assessments and diagnosis. International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (17-18 september).
Carlbring, P., Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Waara, J., Kollenstam, C., Burman, M., Kaldo-Sandström, V., Söderberg, M., Wiberg, A., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2004). Treatment of Panic Disorder: Live Therapy vs. Self-Help via Internet. International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (17-18 september).
Andersson, G., Jonsson, U., Malmeus, F., Carlbring, P., Waara, J., & Öst, L-G. (2004). Treatment of specific phobia delivered via the Internet vs. one-session exposure treatment. In: Abstracts from the XXXIV annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, 9-11 september, Manchester, United Kingdom (pp 166). Manchester: EABCT
Carlbring, P., Nilsson-Ihrfelt, E., Waara, J., Kollenstam, C., Buhrman, M., Kaldo, V., Söderberg, M., Ekselius, E., & Andersson, G. (2004). Treatment of panic disorder: Live therapy vs. self-help via the Internet. In: Abstracts from the XXXIV annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, 9-11 september, Manchester, United Kingdom (pp 166). Manchester: EABCT
Andersson, G., Holmström, A., Sparthan, L., Furmark, T., & Carlbring, P. (2004). Treatment of social phobia via the Internet. Results from a RCT and some clinical observations.European Psychiatry.19(Suppl. 1), 109s.
Bergström, J., Karlsson, A., Andreewitch, S., Rück, C., Bragesjö, M., Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Lindefors, N. (2004). Internet-based treatment for panic disorder: Research status and implementation in a psychiatric setting. European Psychiatry.19 (Suppl. 1), 109s.
Bergström .J., Holländare, F., Carlbring, P., Kaldo-Sandström, V., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2003). Treatment of depression via the Internet: A randomized trial of a self-help program. In: 3rd International Conference on Successes and Failures in Telehealth; Conference Proceedings Delegates’ Edition,(pp.165). Centre for Online Health, University of Queensland.
Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., Dyster-Aas, J., Kaldo-Sandström, V., Larsen, H-C, Wallinder, N., & Wennman, C. (2003). Tinnitus och psykiatrisk diagnos. In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 26-28 november 2003, 112 (pp. 129). Stockholmsmässan: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Carlbring, P. (2003). Internet som redskap vid psykologisk behandling In: Psykologidagarna 1-2 april 2003, 1 (p. ?). Älvsjömässan Stockholm: Psykologförbundet.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Kaldo-Sandström, V., Larsen, H-C., Lindström, M., & Sandström, S. (2002). Förekomst av tinnitus i Sverige In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 27-29 november 2002, 111 (pp. 130). Svenska Mässan Göteborg: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Holländare, F., Andersson, G., Bergström, J., Carlbring, P., Ekselius, L., & Kaldo-Sandström, V. (2002). Depressionsbehandling via Internet: En kontrollerad studie med självhjälp och diskussionsgrupp In: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Rikstämma 27-29 november 2002, 111 (pp. 288). Svenska Mässan Göteborg: Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Ström, L., Kaldo-Sandström, V., & Ekselius, L. (2002). Treatment of mental disorders via the Internet. European Psychiatry.17 (Suppl. 1), 69s.
Carlbring, P., Gustavsson, H., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2002). 12-month prevalence of panic disorder in the Swedish general population. European Psychiatry.17 (Suppl. 1), 138s.
Carlbring, P., Forslin, P., Willebrand, M., Ljungstrand, P., Strandlund, C., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2002). Is the web-administrated CIDI-SF equivalent to a human SCID-interview?. European Psychiatry.17 (Suppl. 1), 151s.
Carlbring, P., Westling, B., Ljungstrand, P., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2002). Treatment of panic disorder via the Internet: two randomized trials. European Psychiatry.17 (Suppl. 1), 165s.
Kaldo-Sandström, V., Carlbring, P., Ström, L., & Andersson, G. (2002). Internet-based psychiatric assessment of tinnitus patients. European Psychiatry.17 (Suppl. 1), 217s
Carlbring, P., Westling, B. E., Ljungstrand, P., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2000, 2000-11-30). Behandling av paniksyndrom via Internet. Paper presented at the Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., & Ljungstrand, P. (2000, 2000-11-29–12-01). Psykiatrisk screening via internet med composite international diagnostic interview (CIDI).Paper presented at the Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Göteborg.
Carlbring, P., Westling, B. E., Ljungstrand, P., Ekselius, L., & Andersson, G. (2001, 2001-02-15). Behandling av paniksyndrom via Internet. Paper presented at Beteendeterapeutiska Föreningens årsmöte, Uppsala.