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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire-IV

4 min read

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Scoring (poängsättning) #

“The GAD-Q-IV was scored by using a sum total response. This scoring system was devised in an attempt to create a score that would best reflect the DSM-IV diagnostic threshold for the GAD diagnosis. To create a total score, all yes answers were coded as 1 and all no answers as 0 (e.g., Item 1: Do you experience excessive worry? Item 2: Is your worry excessive in intensity, frequency, or amount of distress it causes? Item 3: Do you find it difficult to control your worry? Item 4: Do you worry about minor things? and Item 6: Did you worry more days than not over the prior 6 months?). In addition, for Item 5, which asks for a list of most frequent worry topics, individuals were given 1 point for each topic listed up to 6, and this total was divided by 3. Similarly, for Item 7, participants were given 1 point for each physical symptom they experienced up to 6, and this total was divided by 3. Finally, the numbers circled for Items 8 and 9 (i.e., degree of distress and interference) were each divided by 4, and these numbers were added together. Because the questionnaire requests that individuals skip the remaining items when they do not endorse initial criteria, such skipped items were scored as 0. Total scores ranged from 0 to 12.

Our justification for this scoring system was that it allowed for a maximum of 7 points for the first six items, which assessed the core GAD symptoms of excessive and uncontrollable worry. In addition, it allowed for 1 point for everyone who met the GAD diagnostic requirement for items related to associated symptoms (i.e., at least three physical symptoms, at least moderate severity, at least moderate distress). At the same time, someone who endorsed the highest possible score on items reflecting associated symptoms could earn a maximum of 2 points, and people who were subthreshold on these items could still receive a weighted score that varied dependent on how far they were below threshold” Source:


Diagnos #

A cut-off of 5.7 points (83% sensitivity and 89% specificity) on the GAD-Q-IV has been reported to indicate the presence of GAD (Newman, Zuellig & Kachin, 2002).


Tidsintervall #

Just nu, samt under de senaste 6 månaderna.


Administrationstid #

3-4 minuter


Instruktion #

Varierar med items.


Respondentålder #



Test-retest reliabilitet #

r = 0.81 (2 veckor)


Cronbachs alfa #

α = 0.84


Svenska normer #

Se här: Från den artikeln kan man läsa:

“A cut-off of 5.7 points (83% sensitivity and 89% specificity) on the GAD-Q-IV has been reported to indicate the presence of GAD (Newman, Zuellig & Kachin, 2002). Newman, Zuellig & Kachin (2002) proposed a cut-off of 9.0 points (70% sensitivity and 96% specificity) to get greater certainty that only persons with GAD are identified. In this study, respondents were instructed to skip the rest of the GAD-Q-IV questions if they answered “no” to the first question about experience of excessive worry which might have lead to existing GAD cases not being identified. Skipped items were coded as zero. The cut-off score of 5.7 was used in this study to provide an estimate of the prevalence of GAD.”


Svenska rättigheter #

Elisabeth Breitholtz
I ett mejl 2005-09-28 om kostnaden säger Michelle Newman ”It is completely and totally free to use”.


Utländska normer #

GAD-patienter: M = 19.93 (sd=7.84)
Ej ångestfyllda personer M = 2.34 (sd=4.69)


Utländska rättigheter #

Michelle Newman, Formuläret finns publicerat i originalartikeln


Abstract originalartikel #

This study examined the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire-IV (GAD-Q-IV), a revised self-report diagnostic measure of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) based on the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Subjects were undergraduates (aged 17-41 yrs). GAD-Q-IV diagnoses were compared to structured interview diagnoses of individuals with GAD, social phobia, panic disorder, and nonanxious controls. Using Receiver Operating Characteristics analyses, the GAD-Q-IV showed 89% specificity and 83% sensitivity. The GAD-Q-IV also demonstrated test-retest reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and kappa agreement of .67 with a structured interview. Students diagnosed with GAD by the GAD-Q-IV were not significantly different on 2 measures than a GAD community sample, but both groups had significantly higher scores than students identified as not meeting criteria for GAD, demonstrating clinical validity of the GAD-Q-IV.


Referens #

Newman, M. G., Zuellig, A. R., Kachin, K. E., Constantino, M. J., Przeworski, A., Erickson, T., et al. (2002). Preliminary reliability and validity of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire-IV: A revised self-report diagnostic measure of generalized anxiety disorder. Behavior Therapy, 33, 215-233.


Nerladdning #