Obsessive Compulsive Inventory- Revised

Beskrivning #

Mätinstrument som mäter allvarlighetsgraden av OCD-symtom (tvångssyndrom). OCI-R är det mest välanvända självskattningsformuläret vid OCD.

Behörighet #

Inga formella krav.

Antal items #


Delskalor #

Skalan består av 6 olika delskalor: Washing, Checking, Ordering, Obsessing, Hoarding & Neutralizing.

Scoring (poängsättning) #

0 = Inte alls, 1 = lite grand, 2 = måttligt, 3 = mycket, 4 = extremt mycket.

Tidsintervall #

Den senaste månaden.

Administrationstid #

5 minuter.

Instruktion #

Följande påståenden avser upplevelser som många har till vardags. Ringa in den siffra som bäst beskriver HUR MYCKET varje upplevelse har BEKYMRAT eller STÖRT dig under den senaste månaden. Siffrorna avser följande verbala beteckningar.

Respondentålder #


Test-retest reliabilitet #

Test-retest reliabilitet har god stabilitet; ”intraclass” korrelationskoefficienter från .81–.89. (Foa et al., 2002).

Cronbachs alfa #

Cronbachs a från 0.81 till 0.93 (Foa et al., 2002)

Svenska rättigheter #

Översatt med författarnas tillstånd av Anna Grönberg och Sandra Bates 2009. Ingen copyright.

Abstract originalartikel #

Originalartikel (2002):
The psychometric properties of the Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R) subscales have not been validated in a clinical sample of individuals diagnosed with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Data were collected on 186 patients diagnosed with OCD and 17 patients diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) using the OCI-R and the Yale-Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed an acceptable factor structure. Patients with a given primary symptom subtype were elevated on the corresponding subscale of the OCI-R compared to other OCD patients and patients with GAD. In addition, patients who acknowledged that symptom subtype as present but not primary on the Y-BOCS had elevated OCI-R scores on that scale compared to patients who did not endorse that symptom subtype and patients with GAD. Results indicate that the subscales of the OCI-R are valid measures of six symptom subtypes of OCD. The OCI-R is a psychometrically sound, brief instrument. The current data combined with previous efforts suggest that it is appropriate for clinical and non-clinical populations, and for clinical and research purposes. Further research should examine the sensitivity of the specific subscales to treatment effects, and the potential for adding more items to account for other symptom domains of OCD.

Artikel om delskalorna från 20079 av Huppert i Journal of Anxiety Disorders sidorna 394–406:
This article reports on the development of a revised version of the Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory (OCI; E. B. Foa, M. J. Kozak, P. Salkovskis, M. E. Coles, & N. Amir, 1998), a psychometrically sound, theoretically driven, self-report measure. The revised OCI (OCI–R) improves on the parent version in 3 ways: It eliminates the redundant frequency scale, simplifies the scoring of the subscales, and reduces overlap across subscales. The reliability and validity of the OCI–R were examined in 215 patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), 243 patients with other anxiety disorders, and 677 nonanxious individuals. The OCI–R, which contains 18 items and 6 subscales, has retained excellent psychometric properties. The OCI–R and its subscales differentiated well between individuals with and without OCD. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses demonstrated the usefulness of the OCI–R as a diagnostic tool for screening patients with OCD, utilizing empirically derived cutscores.

Referens #

Foa, E. B., Huppert, J.D., Leiberg, S., Langner, R., Kichie, R., Hajcak, L., et.al. (2002). The ObsessiveCompulsive Inventory: Development of a short version. Psychological Assessment, 14, 485 – 496.

Karma (denna person ska vi tacka mest för information kring formuläret) #

Erik Andersson

Webblänk #

Informationens bäst-före-datum #
