Process-based assessment tool (PBAT)

Beskrivning #

En item-pool, alltså inte en skala utan 18 individuella items som kan användas var och en.

Antal items #


Svarsalternativ #


Scoring #

Varje item för sig

Tidsintervall #

“Under den senaste veckan…”

Administrationstid #

Beroende på vilka items som används (mellan 1 och 10 minuter).

Instruktion #

Markera på strecket hur mycket du håller med om varje uttalande. Utgå ifrån hur du har agerat den senaste veckan. Kom ihåg att det inte finns några felaktiga svar.

Svenska rättigheter #

Det är fritt att använda med information om vilka som översatt och validerat (dvs Andreas Larsson, Felicia Sundström och Magnus Johansson).

Utländska normer #

Ciarrochi, J., Sahdra, B., Hofmann, S. G., & Hayes, S. C. (2022). Developing an item pool to assess processes of change in psychological interventions: The Process-Based Assessment Tool (PBAT). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 23, 200–213.

Abstract originalartikel #

The Process-Based Assessment Tool (PBAT), is an item pool showing promising results in assessing psychological processes of change relevant for both psychotherapy and research in its original English version. However, further research focusing on translation and validation in other languages is needed for broader applicability. This study aims to translate and validate the PBAT in Swedish, and to examine the relationship with common clinical outcome variables.
The PBAT and STOP-D were translated and culturally adapted to Swedish. The study included 427 Swedish-speaking participants recruited online, with a mean age of 48. The PHQ-4 and Single Item Stress Scale were used as criterion variables. Correlational analyses and the Boruta feature selection algorithm were employed for data analysis.
The translated PBAT demonstrated significant correlations with clinical outcomes, indicating its effectiveness in a Swedish context. Positive PBAT items correlated with higher vitality and health, while negative items were predictive of sadness, anxiety, and stress. The Boruta analysis highlighted the importance of specific PBAT items to different clinical outcomes, underscoring the tool’s validity.
The Swedish version of the PBAT shows strong validity and reliability in assessing psychological health. This study contributes to the cross-cultural applicability of the PBAT, offering a valuable tool for psychological assessment in the Swedish context.

Karma (denna person ska vi tacka mest för information kring formuläret) #

Docent Andreas B Larsson vid Mittuniversitetet.

Referens #

Larsson, A. B., & Sundström, F. T. A. (2024). Optimizing Process-Based Therapy: A Boruta-Driven Approach to Identifying Key Clinical Outcomes in a Swedish validation of the Process-Based Assessment Tool (PBAT). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 100794.

Nerladdning #

Ladda ner PBAT och tillhörande information (extern länk)