Today the three professors Tracey Wade, Sarah Egan and Roz Shafran visited our department. They recently published the first evidence-based framework for treating clients struggling with perfectionism “CBT of perfectionism“. A “perfect” book about perfectionism ;-) Here you can read a sample chapter from the book:

The purpose of the visit was to discuss a possible treatment study with me and Gerhard Andersson from Sweden and these super-knowledgeable English speaking researchers.
Besides a all the methological discussions they treated us with a free open – and very appreciated – lecture entitled: “Understanding and treating Perfectionism”. [lightbox link=”” thumb=”×678.jpg” width=”1024″ align=”right” title=”text” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=”Per Carlbring, Roz Shafran, Tracey Wade and Sarah Egan posing with their new book”]