Negative Effects Questionnaire

Beskrivning Negativa effekter av psykologisk behandling kan bestå av endera försämring av symptom, till exempel ökad nedstämdhet efter behandlingsperioden, eller andra ogynnsamma och oönskade effekter, såsom att uppleva stigma av att söka hjälp för psykiska ohälsa, bristande behandlingskvalitet och att få nya symptom som tidigare inte har förekommit (Rozental et al., 2018). I det förstnämnda … Read more

Negative Effects Questionnaire (NEQ)

Psychological treatments can be beneficial in relation to a number of psychiatric disorders, both in terms of alleviating mental distress and improving well-being (c.f., Cuijpers et al., 2013). However, far less attention has been given to the possibility of inadvertently causing negative effects, with few studies reporting their incidence (Jonsson, Alaie, Parling, & Arnberg, 2014). … Read more

The Negative Effects Questionnaire: psychometric properties of an instrument for assessing negative effects in psychological treatments

Psychological treatments provide many benefits for patients with psychiatric disorders, but research also suggests that negative effects might occur from the interventions involved. The Negative Effects Questionnaire has previously been developed as a way of determining the occurrence and characteristics of such incidents, consisting of 32 items and six factors. However, the Negative Effects Questionnaire … Read more

The Negative Effects Questionnaire – a new scale for monitoring and reporting adverse and unwanted events in psychological treatments

(C) Jonathan_Lin_Clouds

Research conducted during the last decades has provided increasing evidence for the use of psychological treatments for a number of psychiatric disorders and somatic complaints. However, by focusing only on the positive outcomes, less attention has been given to the potential of negative effects. Despite indications of deterioration and other adverse and unwanted events during … Read more

Negative effects of Internet interventions: A qualitative content analysis of patients’ experiences with treatments delivered online

Today a paper was accepted for publication about potential negative effects of Internet interventions. Internet interventions are defined as the delivery of health-care-related treatments via an online or a smartphone interface, and have been shown to be a viable alternative to face-to-face treatments. However, not all patients benefit from such treatments, and it is possible … Read more

Consensus statement on defining and measuring negative effects of Internet interventions

Today the new ESRII and ISRII journal Internet interventions published its first issue. Here you can read the editorial. In the first issue there are two papers that are especially interesting. The first paper is entitled Consensus statement on defining and measuring negative effects of Internet interventions. Here 10 leading experts in the field of Internet interventions were invited to … Read more

In the Absence of Effects: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Non-response and Its Predictors in Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Negative effects of psychological treatments have recently received increased attention in both research and clinical practice. Most investigations have focused on determining the occurrence and characteristics of deterioration and other adverse and unwanted events, such as interpersonal issues, indicating that patients quite frequently experience such incidents in treatment. However, non-response is also negative if it … Read more

Long-term effects of internet-supported cognitive behaviour therapy

Internet-supported and therapist-guided cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) is effective for a range of problems in the short run, but less is known about the long-term effects with follow-ups of two years or longer. This paper reviews studies in which the long-term effects of guided ICBT were investigated. Following literature searches in PubMed and other sources … Read more

Efter trippen: Ny studie belyser de negativa sidorna av psykedelisk behandling med Psilocybin

Psykedeliska substanser som psilocybin – den aktiva ingrediensen i “magiska svampar” – har föreslagits som lovande vid exempelvis behandlingsresistent depression. Även om designen av dessa studier har ifrågasatts (man använder sockerpiller snarare än att jämföra mot riktig psykoterapi), så tycks resultaten ändå på gruppnivå tala för att det är en god idé att fortsätta undersöka … Read more