Vår nya Nature-artikel: Så väljer du rätt kontrollgrupp i kliniska prövningar

Tillsammans med tre kollegor i USA har jag nyligen haft äran att publicera en artikel i en prestigefylld Nature-tidskrift (npj Digital Medicine) med en impact factor på 15.2. Artikeln bär titeln “Selecting and describing control conditions in mobile health randomized controlled trials: a proposed typology” I denna artikel utforskar vi och diskuterar de utmaningar och … Read more

Det finns 11 olika typer av jämförelsegrupper – så väljer du rätt!

Hundratals randomiserade kontrollerade studier har testat behandlingseffekten av olika mobilappar vid psykologiska problem (mHealth). Dessa studier har använt en rad olika kontrollgrupper (t ex väntelista, minimal uppmärksamhetskontroll, psykologisk placebo). Valet av kontrollgrupp påverkar dramatiskt vilka vetenskapliga slutsatser som kan dras från en given studie. Tyvärr saknas helt praxis inom mHealth. Ett av problemen blir att … Read more

Adding a smartphone app to Internet-based self-help for social anxiety: a randomized controlled trial

Increasing access to treatment via smartphone apps is an important topic in Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). ‘Challenger’ is an app promoting exposure exercises in daily life. The present study evaluated the additional benefit of using the app as adjunct to Internet-based unguided self-help for SAD. In a second step, we also tested how the app … Read more

Creating state of the art, next-generation Virtual Reality exposure therapies for anxiety disorders using consumer hardware platforms: Design considerations and future directions

Decades of research and more than 20 randomized controlled trials show that Virtual Reality exposure therapy (VRET) is effective in reducing fear and anxiety. Unfortunately, few providers or patients have had access to the costly and technical equipment previously required. Recent technological advances in the form of consumer VR systems (e.g. Oculus Rift and Samsung … Read more